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The Decision Box model is the result of a series of research projects carried out since 2010 within interdisciplinary and interuniversity teams. These projects tested various design methods and formats of shared decision-making tools, for the purpose of improving the health of populations.

Director of Research Program:

Anik Giguere, PhD

    2480, chemin de la Canardière, Room #139 Quebec QC G1J 0A4
    T: 418-663-2131, extension 12251



Anik Giguère leads an interdisciplinary team in the design and evaluation of knowledge transfer tools to promote the independence of older adults and their families in clinical decision-making. The team's work aims to improve health services through continuing professional development, clinical evidence summaries and patient decision aids. The team is studying methods to design these tools (needs assessment, rapid review, user-centered design) to ultimately provide user-friendly tools that will enhance the quality of life of older adults and their loved ones.


The development of the Decision Boxes and the research to evaluate this approach have been funded by the following organisations: